Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Circus comes to town!

             I don't ever remember going to the circus when I was a kid, I don't even remember it ever coming to our town!  I'm sure it did but I sure never heard about it and even if I had I don't know if I would have wanted to go since we seamed to always have our own circus!  We had a small farm with lots of sheep, goats, pigs, (not for long thank goodness)  my horse, Prince, a couple of dogs and a parakeet!  I don't know what kind of a horse Prince  was but he was bigger than a Shetland pony but smaller than a regular horse!  We always had fun with all the animals and my two sisters and I seemed to keep ourselves entertained while our mom and dad were at work!  One day we got the bright idea to bring our two Pygmy goats in the house!! We took them in our room and let them jump from bed to bed!  Another time we brought the horse in the house for a quick look to see where we lived!!  Don't ask me what possessed us to do that but looking back we must of had the cleanest animals because they didn't even track in the house!!  My mom and dad never knew till years later as most parents do, right kids!!

             I remember taking our kids to the circus when we lived in Bozeman, Mt.  It was a blustery cold spring day but sooo much fun.  They had all the regular circus acts, elephants, tigers, clowns and Aeriel acts.  And of course the cotton candy, peanuts and popcorn.  I remember all the kids were mesmerized by it all!  That was a long time ago, probably 20+ years ago!!!

             Well boy how things have changed!  Well I guess not sooo much in the sense that they have all the same acts and animals as before but some of the acts I thought were a little on the suggestive side!!  It was quite comical to watch dads who were so taken with some of the female performers that they weren't even paying attention to all their kids were buying!  Just give them more money so they would quit bugging them!

                All in all it was a fun night with the family and the grand kids loved getting to see all the fun animals,they even got to ride some!
Look at those sweet cherub faces!

Only Trynitee and Jayden would ride the elephant!
Ryker and Aubs decided to play it safe!
The cousins are always happy when they get to spend time together!  Till our next adventure with the cheerful cherubs,
Love, Laughter and Smiles,

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