Monday, January 27, 2014

Fun and games with the grandkids!

I can hardly believe it is the last week in January!  We try to have our grand kids down to spend the night and have a fun day every so often and this day we made snow people! 
Trynitee made hers with blonde hair to match hers, so beautiful!
Aubree's has curly hair!  I wish I had curly hair!
Here's our little man Ryker always being a clown!!
After the snow people we came in to make dinner, little pizzas, and Ryker helped to make each one!
He spread the flour on the board,
patted  his little ball of dough with flour,
started to roll it out,
checking it! So professional!
Born pizza maker!!! Notice how focused he is throughout the process! 
Sorry I didn't get pics of the finished product but trust me they were delicious!
We also got to have our grandson Jayden for an evening so before we picked up Arista (our granddaughter) from work we got in a game of checkers, Jaydens favorite game with Grammy! He has been playing checkers since he was about 5 and he wins every time! 
He's going in for the kill!  Notice his phone has not left his hand!  He was texting his uncle Reed in Montana telling him how bad I was losing!  Brings back memories of summer vacations at my Grandpa Franks house!  When all the work was done for the day,( he had a huge garden, 5 acres of melons, chili peppers, tomatoes, that we would go and trade with the indians)!!!  Well that's another story for another time!! Getting back to checkers, we would come in and get cleaned up for dinner and after the kitchen was cleaned up we would sit down and play checkers out on the front screened in porch where my grandma's wringer washer sat off to the side, oh how I loved wash day! I can still hear the crickets and katydids(i think that is what those little critters were called)  and smell the wet earth smell from the Rio Grand River that ran behind my Grandpas farm.  I can  hear my grandma Fefa (her name was Josephine but when I was a baby I couldn't say Josephine so she became Fefa) telling him in spanish that he was so mean for never letting me win!  His reply was always, "she's got to learn for herself,  life won't always be handed to her!"  Oh how true, thank you grandpa for all the beautiful memories and life lessons I learned from you at your side those wonderful summers!!  I used to always tell my grandpa I was going to marry him someday, he was such a simple gentle and kind man and my sweet man is so much like him!  I think life is wonderful, it has it's challenging times but it's all good when you get to see the world through the eyes of a child and help to create those memories that will last a lifetime!
Love, Laughter and Smiles,

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