Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My princess bed!!!

                                       Have I told you how wonderful my sweet man is??
I didn't think so, ha ha!!  Well let me tell you just how wonderful he is!  When I moved to Utah 5 years ago, my sweet man had already been here for 2 years working and living in the house we now call " our own little cottage".  Well we had furnished it with furniture we had found at yard sales!  You know me always looking for those hidden treasures to give a new life and a home!!  Many of the pieces were darker but he loved them and this was his home in Utah where he worked and I was only going to be here on visits!!  That was the original plan!  We already had our dream home in Montana that  we would  live in forever and our kids and grand kids could come and visit and there was room for all!! And life was perfect, so I thought,  Well that plan needed to be changed because what we hadn't planned for was my sweet man falling in love with this amazing valley! With me kicking and screaming we sold our dream home and I moved to his beloved little Heber Valley! All our furniture went into storage since it wouldn't fit in our little cottage, ( 5,000 sq ft. to1,500 sq. ft.).  The furniture in the cottage was dark and  of course I'm allergic to dark!  Over the past 5 years I have slowly lightened up the house and my sweet man has just loved each change! We hope someday to add on and I know it will happen but in the meantime we lighten and change things up with paint!(remember the cupboards?)

                                                             Here's today's projects;

Our nightstands,

and headboard! I've been dieing to do these and my sweet man is in Nevada so what better time!


Our little granddaughters call it our princess bed!!  And my sweet man just smiles, oh yes he is wonderful! And yes life is perfect now, sharing this lovely valley with the man I love, what more could I ask for!

Love, Laughter and Smiles,

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