Sunday, December 22, 2013


     Ok lets try this again!  I have got to be the worst blogger!  This is my 3rd attempt to post about my cupboards, I somehow keep erasing it or not being able to upload  my pictures!  Well, clear back around Thanksgiving I started redoing my cupboards!  I hated the wood!  I know to someone else they would love them but it just wasn't ME!
     So as soon as the house was officially ours I headed to my friendly Annie Sloan store and bought my brushes, paint (Pure White), and furniture wax!  Next I started wiping down all the cupboards with white vinegar my cleaner of choice!  I love using vinegar because it leaves everything clean and sparkly,  the scent is gone in a few minutes and NO chemicals!! Than a painting I went!!  It didn't take that long but we squeezed in a trip to Vegas for the NFR (National Finals Rodeo)  with some of our kids!!  Before we left I noticed the shelves in the laundry room/butlers pantry looked like they were pulling away from the wall!! I could see coming home to a heap of broken dishes so I pulled everything off the shelves and decided we would deal with it when we came home!!
     Well that turned into a project and a half!!!  But first I worked on  my cupboards!!!  It never fails when you think you have it all planned out LIFE happens!  I really only wanted to finish the cupboards and do the laundry/butlers pantry after the first of the year!  Oh well I always say "God doesn't give you anymore than you can handle"!  I have decided that my life will always have challenges and surprises some welcomed some not and they help me be a stronger person and teach me patience so until tomorrow...
                                                       Love, Laughter and Smiles,

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