Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Morning

 I woke up at 4:30 this morn and tried to go back to sleep but to late, my mind was already thinking of my menu for Thanksgiving dinner, my grocery list....!! When this happens I love to have an early morning chat with my Heavenly Father and thank Him the many blessings in my life, my awesome husband, who has always worked hard for our family! He left for work at 3:30! I give thanks for each of our children and grandchildren, for health......most of the time I'll fall back asleep but not this morning. I thought of of all I want to get done before Thanksgiving dinner so here I am!
I started painting my kitchen cubbards (white of course!) so I will work on that and I need to wash windows while our weather is still nice! We have had a beautifull fall this year with lots of warm days! My sweet husband surprised me with hanging the Christmas lights while I was on my trip to Montana! Oh how I love that man! And today is thrift store day!! Our thrift store is only open Wed-Sat so I always look forward to Wednesdays! So before I go do my yoga I want to take time and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! May we each take time to think on the many blessings we have in our lives and remember where those blessings come from and express our gratitude to Him in all things!
Love, laughter, and smiles <3

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