Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I'm Back! Life is Good Again!

Sometimes things happen in your life to make you realize that your perfect world is not so perfect after all.  It takes you to the depths of despair and hopelessness and forces you to reevaluate what's really important in life.  After 2 years of hiding, I have a new appreciation of all that is a part of my life.  Relationships are more precious, my home and surroundings have a renewed beauty, and I am more grateful for all of God's creations.  Because of this I am ready to go back to my "Roots & Wings"!!!

Twelve years ago I started Roots & Wings as a business to design gardens and memorials to our loved ones who have passed from this earth.  Whether it be a friend, a family member, or a beloved pet.  My mama suffered from Alzheimers for 15 years.  Her and my father lived in Montana up in the mountains and her pet rock was a great comfort to her.  She would put moss and plant flowers on it and even talked to it.  She spent a lot of time gardening on her rock.  After she passed away, we moved the rock to where we lived 6 hours away.

After living in that home for 4 years with my mama's rock on the property, we sold our home and moved to Utah because of a job change.  One of my hopes was that someday we would have my mama's rock home with us again.  Seven years after being in Utah my family surprised me for my birthday this past October 10th by bringing my mama's rock home!!!

I was excited to be able to finally start her memorial.  I began with a few of her favorite things...her favorite flowers were roses, but she could never grow them in Montana. She loved hens & chicks, moss, and rocks.  Two weeks ago when I went out to look at the rock, I was shocked to see that some of the original hens & chicks that she had planted twenty years ago, were growing back!!!

 Originally, there was also a little pine tree growing in the middle, but unfortunately in our 7 year absence the tree had died...but I believe in miracles...maybe one day!

I am excited to be able to help you create a memorial garden that will bring memories and joy to your heart of your loved one that will last a lifetime.

Love, laughter and smiles,